Recession Cones
9.14. Recession Cones#
Main references for this section are [9].
Throughout this section, we assume that
Definition 9.65 (Direction of recession)
Given a nonempty convex set
In words, starting from any point
9.14.1. Recession Cone#
Theorem 9.176 (Recession cone)
Proof. Let
Note that
for every and every .Hence
.Now assume
since and is a recession direction.Hence
is also a recession direction.Thus
is a cone.
We now show that
such that and let .Let
be a convex combination of and .Let
and .Then
, hence .But then
is a convex combination of .Hence
for every and every .Hence
is convex.Since
is also a cone, hence is a convex cone.
Definition 9.66 (Recession cone)
Let Linear Subspaces#
Theorem 9.177 (Recession cone of a linear subspace)
Proof. We first show that
Pick some
.Pick any
.Then for all
, since is a subspace and is closed under scalar multiplication and vector addition.Hence
We now show that
Pick some
.Pick some fixed
is a recession direction, hence for every , .Let
.But that means
. Affine Subspaces#
Theorem 9.178 (Recession cone of an affine subspace)
Proof. Let
Pick any
for some .Pick some
and let .Then
is an affine combination of .Hence
We now show that
Pick some
.Pick some fixed
is a recession direction, hence for every , .Let
. And .Hence
.But that means
. Set Negation#
Property 9.38 (Recession cone under set negation)
Proof. Let
.Then for any
and every ,Hence for every
, hence .Hence
.The argument runs similarly for the converse.
The following results describe the properties of recession cones for nonempty, closed and convex sets. Closedness of Recession Cone#
Property 9.39 (Closedness of recession cone)
Proof. We established in Theorem 9.176 that
be a convergent sequence of .Let
.For any
and , we have since is a recession direction.Now let
is closed, hence .Thus, for any
and , .Hence
is a recession direction of and .Thus every convergent sequence of
converges in .Hence
is closed. Recession Directions for Closed and Convex Sets#
Theorem 9.179 (Characterization of recession directions)
Proof. Suppose
Now, for the converse, let
By hypothesis,
, where .If
for some , then and we are done.Let us then consider the case where
for every .Define
We can see that
lies on a line that starts at and passes through since is an affine combination of and .Also, note that
lies between and for all for which .Hence, there exists
such that for all , due to convexity of .We have
Note that
is an unbounded sequence.Hence
as .After dropping the first
terms, the sequence is a sequence of .Since
as , hence is a converging sequence of (after the first terms).Since
is closed, hence .
We have established that
for every
then . Hence assume that .Consider the vector
.For ever
,Hence due to previous argument,
.This proves that
is indeed a recession direction of . Closure of Set#
Theorem 9.180 (Recession cone and set closure)
Proof. We first show that
.Then for every
and , we have .Since
, hence we have for every and , .Since
is nonempty, there is at least one such that for every , .Since
is a nonempty, closed and convex set, hence due to Theorem 9.179, is a recession direction of .Hence
We now show that
By taking closure on both sides of previous inclusion
is nonempty, closed and convex. Hence due to Property 9.39, is closed.Hence
. Unboundedness#
Theorem 9.181 (Unboundedness = Nonzero recession directions)
Proof. It is easy to show that
Assume that
is unbounded.Pick some
be an unbounded sequence of .Consider the sequence
whereNote that
is a bounded sequence since .Let
be a limit point of .Note that
must be a nonzero vector since it is a limit point of .Let
and consider the vector . is an affine combination of and . Hence it lies on the line starting from passing through .Also since
is unbounded, hence there exists such that for all , the inequality holds true.Hence for all
, the point lies on the line segment between and .Due to convexity of
, for all , we have .Since
is a limit point of and is closed, hence .Thus for a given
there exists a nonzero such that for all , we have .By Theorem 9.179,
must be a (nonzero) recession direction of .
Corollary 9.13 (Boundedness and recession cone)
A nonempty, closed and convex set
Recall that in a finite dimensional ambient vector space, closed and bounded sets are compact. Hence a nonempty, compact and convex set has a zero recession cone. Relative Interior#
Theorem 9.182 (Recession cone of relative interior)
Proof. We need to show that
Recall that since
is nonempty and convex, hence is nonempty and convex (Theorem 9.142).Let
.Pick some
.Then for all
, we have .By Theorem 9.179,
is also a recession direction for .Since this applies for every
, hence .
For the converse, we proceed as follows.
.Pick some
.Then for any
, we have .Hence by line segment principle (Theorem 9.143),
for all .We have
.Pick any
.We also have
lies on the line segment between and .Hence
We have established that for any fixed
and all , .Hence
Together we have Intersection#
Theorem 9.183 (Intersection and recession cones)
More generally, for any collection of closed convex sets
Proof. We first show it for two nonempty, closed and convex sets
We can see that
is also a nonempty, closed and convex set.Let
.Then for every
and all , we have .Hence, by Theorem 9.179,
and .Hence
.Conversely, let
.Pick any
.By definition,
for all .Hence
.Together we have
It is straightforward to generalize this argument for an arbitrary family of nonempty closed and convex sets with a nonempty intersection.
Corollary 9.14 (Recession cones and containment)
Let Linear Transformations#
Theorem 9.184 (Recession cone of inverse image under linear transformation)
Assume that
Proof. Consider the set
is a continuous (linear) transformation since both and are finite dimensional. is the inverse image of a closed and convex set under .Hence
is closed and convex.We further note that
is nonempty by hypothesis, hence is also nonempty.We can easily show that the recession cone of
, is .Let
.Pick any fixed
and .Then
.Conversely, for contradiction assume that there exists
such that .Then
.We require that for every
and for every , we must haveHowever, this can only happen if
is unbounded.Since
is compact, it is bounded, hence we arrive at a contradiction.This establishes that
Due to Theorem 9.183, since
and both and are nonempty, closed and convex, hence
Finally, due to Corollary 9.13,
9.14.2. Lineality Space#
Definition 9.67 (Lineality space)
In other words,
As a consequence of this definition, if As a Subspace#
For nonempty, closed and convex sets, their lineality space is a subspace of the ambient vector space.
Theorem 9.185 (Lineality space as a subspace)
Proof. Let
and define .We note that
.Also define
and .Then
is a convex cone, hence is also a convex cone.We can see that
and in because is either equal to or equal to .By convexity of
, .Since
is a cone, hence .Hence
is closed under linear combinations.Hence
is indeed a linear subspace of . Relative Interior#
Theorem 9.186 (Lineality space of relative interior)
Let Intersection#
Theorem 9.187 (Intersection and lineality spaces)
More generally, for any collection of closed convex sets
Corollary 9.15 (Lineality spaces and containment)
Let Linear Transformations#
Theorem 9.188
Assume that
where Decomposition along Lineality Spaces#
Theorem 9.189 (Decomposition of a convex set along subspaces of its lineality space)
Note that since
Proof. Since
We first show that
where and .Since
, hence is a recession direction of and so is .Hence
.Thus for every
, we have such that and .Hence
We now show the converse
such that and .Thus
, hence is a recession direction for .Hence
9.14.3. Nested Sequences of Closed and Convex Sets#
Recall from Theorem 3.77 that the intersection of a nested sequence of nonempty compact sets is nonempty and compact.
In this subsection, we consider a nested sequence
A very good example of a nested sequence of closed and convex sets is a sequence of sublevel sets of a closed and convex function.
Theorem 9.190 (General condition for nonempty intersection)
Assume that
Proof. We note some properties of the sequences
are nested, hence the recession cones are also nested (Corollary 9.14).Since
are nested, hence the lineality spaces are also nested (Corollary 9.15).Since
are nonempty closed and convex, hence are linear subspaces due to Theorem 9.185.
We first show that
are nested subspaces, hence for every . since for every . Hence .We can also see that
must be a linear subspace of since it is an (infinite) intersection of linear subspaces.Since
is finite dimensional, it follows that for all sufficiently large, we have . In other words, there exists such that for all , .Without loss of generality, assume that
We can achieve this by dropping the first
terms from the sequence for which is a proper subset of .
We next show that for all sufficiently large
for every and is a linear subspace, hence for every .For contradiction, assume that it is not true that there exists
such that for every , .Then, since
are nested, hence for each there exists with .Consider some
.There exists some
such that .Then
contains a nonzero vector .Since
is a cone, hence can be scaled to some so that .Since
is a linear subspace, hence also.Hence
.But since
, hence .
Now consider the set
for every .Then
is nonempty for every .We note that
is also compact.The set
is closed and bounded. is closed for every (Property 9.39). is a subspace of a finite dimensional space, hence it is closed. is an intersection of closed sets, hence it is closed.Since
is bounded, hence is also bounded.Since
is closed and bounded, hence it is compact as is finite dimensional.
is a sequence of nested compact sets since for every .Hence
is nonempty (Theorem 3.77).But expanding
we see thatWe used the facts that
. by hypothesis. since they are orthogonal complements.All members of
are nonzero since they are unit norm.
We have arrived at a contradiction that
must be an empty set.Hence, we conclude that
holds true for all sufficiently large .Again without loss of generality, we shall assume that
We have established so far that
Note that
is not empty.We have
where and .But then
since .Then
and are recession directions of .Hence
By Theorem 9.183, the recession cone of
is given bySince
is a linear subspace of , hence due to Theorem 9.177, .Hence
Then due to Theorem 9.181,
is bounded for ever .Since
is closed and is closed, hence is also closed for every .Hence
is a compact set for every .Since
are nested, hence are also a nested sequence of compact sets.Then their intersection is nonempty and compact. In other words, the set
is nonempty and compact.
is also nonempty.Hence, due to Theorem 9.187, the lineality space of
is given by .By Theorem 9.189,
Corollary 9.16 (Compactness of the nested intersection)
Under the assumptions of
Theorem 9.190,
Proof. Since Nested Sequence with Linear Inequality Constraints#
Consider the problem of minimizing a closed and convex function under linear inequality constraints.
The sublevel sets form a nested sequence of closed and convex sets.
The solution set of a set of linear inequality constraints is another convex set (an intersection of closed half spaces).
Theorem 9.191 (Nested sequence with inequality constraints)
for all .The intersection
is nonempty for all .We have
where is the recession cone of .
Then the intersection Quadratic Function with Quadratic Constraints#
Theorem 9.192 (Quadratic function with quadratic constraints)
Also, let
Assume further that
Note that
9.14.4. Closedness Under Linear Transformations#
We address the question of guarantees under which the image of a closed and convex set under a linear transformation is also closed from the perspective of recession cones.
If a set
Theorem 9.193 (Closedness of image under linear transformation)
Proof. We shall show that every converging sequence of
be a sequence of points in converging to some point .We introduce the sets
Note that
are closed balls centered at and with radii .Hence
are nonempty, closed and convex.By taking appropriate subsequence of
if necessary, we can ensure that it is a nested sequence of closed balls.Further define
, hence is nonempty.Then due to Theorem 9.184,
is closed and convex.Since
is nested, hence is also a nested sequence of nonempty, closed and convex sets.We note that every
has the same recession cone given by due to Theorem 9.184.Similarly, every
has the same lineality space given by due to Theorem 9.188.By hypothesis,
.In other words,
.By definition
.Consequently, due to Theorem 9.190, the set
is nonempty.Now pick some
since for ever .Since
for every , hence for every .Hence,
, hence .Hence the sequence
converges in .Since the sequence was chosen arbitrarily, hence every convergent sequence of
converges in .Hence
is closed.
In the special case where
the closed and convex set Linear Inequality Constraints#
Theorem 9.194 (Closedness of image of a closed and convex set with linear inequality constraints under linear transformation)
Proof. The argument is similar to Theorem 9.193 and uses Theorem 9.191 to establish the nonemptiness of the intersection of the nested sequence of closed and convex sets.
be a sequence of points in converging to some point .Let
and be defined as in Theorem 9.193.By choosing a suitable subsequence, we are guaranteed that
are nested.We have
. Hence is nonempty.Also
such that .Then
holds true also.Hence
is not empty for every .By hypothesis,
.Following the definition of
and from the proof of Theorem 9.193, we have .Thus, all assumptions of Theorem 9.191 are satisfied.
Hence the set
is nonempty.Pick any point
and with .Hence
.Hence the sequence
converges in .Since the sequence was chosen arbitrarily, hence every convergent sequence of
converges in .Hence
is closed. Quadratic Inequality Constraints#
Theorem 9.195 (Closedness of image of a set specified by quadratic inequality constraints under linear transformation)
Then the set Vector Sum of Closed Convex Sets#
Theorem 9.196 (Closedness of vector sum of closed and convex sets)
Proof. We proceed as follows.
be the Cartesian product .Let
denote the direct sum vector space .Then
is a nonempty, closed and convex subset of .Let
be a linear transformation that maps a vector into .We have
.The null space of
is given byUnder the given hypothesis, we have
.Hence, due to Theorem 9.190,
is closed.But
is closed as desired.
Corollary 9.17 (Closedness of
Proof. 1. By Property 9.38
We are given that
and such that .But then
.But then
since .Hence
for any and implies that .Hence by Theorem 9.196,
is a closed set.
Corollary 9.18 (Closedness of
9.14.5. Convex Functions#
We now develop the concept of recession cones and lineality spaces for proper, closed and convex functions. We develop these concepts along the following lines.
All sublevel sets are closed and convex.
All nonempty sublevel sets share the same recession cone.
The shared recession cone of all nonempty sublevel sets is defined as the recession cone of the function itself.
Similarly, all nonempty sublevel sets share the same lineality space and the same is defined as the lineality space of the function itself.
Along any direction in the lineality space of a proper, closed and convex function, the function doesn’t change its value.
Hence such directions are also known as directions of constancy of the function.
Accordingly, the lineality space of a proper, closed and convex function is also known as its constancy space.
Throughout this subsection, we shall assume that Recession Cones of Sublevel Sets#
Theorem 9.197 (Recession cones of sublevel sets)
All the nonempty sublevel sets
have the same recession cone given bywhere
is the recession cone of the epigraph of .If one nonempty sublevel set
is compact, then all of the sublevel sets are compact.
We mention that
Proof. (1) Recession cone for sublevel sets
Pick some
such that is nonempty. Since is proper, hence such exists.Let
be a direction of recession of .Let
. Hence .Since
is a recession direction, we have for every .Hence
for all .Rewriting
for every .Since
is a nonempty, closed and convex set, and there exists one such that for every , the point , hence due to Theorem 9.179, .Since
was arbitrary element of , hence for every , .Hence
For the converse, we proceed as follows.
.Pick some vector
.Then for every
, we have .Hence
for every .Hence
for every .Since
is closed, hence is closed.Since
is a nonempty, closed and convex set, and for every , we have , hence by Theorem 9.179, .Hence
(2) Compactness of sublevel sets.
We are given that for some
, the nonempty, closed and convex set is compact.Then
is bounded.Then due to Theorem 9.181,
.By previous argument, all nonempty sublevel sets have the same recession cone.
is the recession cone of every nonempty sublevel set.Hence by Theorem 9.181 every nonempty sublevel set is bounded.
is closed, hence every nonempty sublevel set is closed.Since every nonempty sublevel set is closed and bounded and
is Euclidean (finite dimensional), hence every nonempty sublevel set is compact. Recession Cone of a Convex Function#
Definition 9.68 (Recession cone of a convex function)
The requirement that
be proper guarantees that for at least one and hence there exist some nonempty sublevel sets.Since
is also closed and convex, hence Theorem 9.197 guarantees that all the nonempty sublevel sets have an identical recession cone. Lineality Space of a Convex Function#
We can define the lineality space of a function in terms of its recession cone.
Definition 9.69 (Lineality space of a convex function)
Observation 9.5 (Lineality spaces of sublevel sets)
Since the recession cone of a nonempty sublevel
set of a proper, closed and convex function
Theorem 9.198 (Lineality space and constancy of function)
Proof. 1. Pick some
Consider the sublevel set
.We are given that
and are both directions of recession of .Pick some
as well as .Thus
and .Also
.By convexity of
,This means that the inequalities must be equalities. Hence
then , a contradiction since .If
then , a contradiction since .Hence we require that
and were arbitrary, hence
Remark 9.12 (Constancy space of a convex function)
As a result of Theorem 9.198,
Example 9.64 (Recession cone and constancy space of linear functions)
The recession cone is given by
This is a closed half-space.
Pick some
.Consider the set
.Pick some
.For any
and we can see thatHence
The constancy space is given by
It is a hyperplane passing through origin.
For any
and we can see thatHence
Example 9.65 (Recession cone and constancy space of quadratic functions)
The recession cone is given by
The constancy space is given by