7.9. Subgaussian Distributions#

In this section we review subgaussian distributions and matrices drawn from subgaussian distributions.

Examples of subgaussian distributions include

  • Gaussian distribution

  • Rademacher distribution taking values \(\pm \frac{1}{\sqrt{M}}\)

  • Any zero mean distribution with a bounded support

Definition 7.33

A random variable \(X\) is called subgaussian if there exists a constant \(c > 0\) such that

(7.2)#\[M_X(t) = \EE [\exp(X t) ] \leq \exp \left (\frac{c^2 t^2}{2} \right )\]

holds for all \(t \in \RR\). We use the notation \(X \sim \Sub (c^2)\) to denote that \(X\) satisfies the constraint (7.2). We also say that \(X\) is \(c\)-subgaussian.

\(\EE [\exp(X t) ]\) is moment generating function of \(X\).

\(\exp \left (\frac{c^2 t^2}{2} \right )\) is moment generating function of a Gaussian random variable with variance \(c^2\).

The definition means that for a subgaussian variable \(X\), its M.G.F. is bounded by the M.G.F. of a Gaussian random variable \(\sim \NNN(0, c^2)\).

Example 7.16 (Gaussian r.v. as subgaussian r.v.)

Consider zero-mean Gaussian random variable \(X \sim \NNN(0, \sigma^2)\) with variance \(\sigma^2\). Then

\[ \EE [\exp(X t) ] = \exp\left ( \frac{\sigma^2 t^2}{2} \right ). \]

Putting \(c = \sigma\) we see that (7.2) is satisfied. Hence \(X\sim \Sub(\sigma^2)\) is a subgaussian r.v. or \(X\) is \(\sigma\)-subgaussian.

Example 7.17 (Rademacher distribution)

Consider \(X\) with

\[ \PP_X(x) = \frac{1}{2}\delta(x-1) + \frac{1}{2}\delta(x + 1) \]

i.e. \(X\) takes a value \(1\) with probability \(0.5\) and value \(-1\) with probability \(0.5\).


\[ \EE [\exp(X t) ] = \frac{1}{2} \exp(-t) + \frac{1}{2} \exp(t) = \cosh t \leq \exp \left ( \frac{t^2}{2} \right). \]

Thus \(X \sim \Sub(1)\) or \(X\) is 1-subgaussian.

Example 7.18 (Uniform distribution)

Consider \(X\) as uniformly distributed over the interval \([-a, a]\) for some \(a > 0\). i.e.

\[\begin{split} f_X(x) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{2 a} & -a \leq x \leq a\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{split}\]


\[ \EE [\exp(X t) ] = \frac{1}{2 a} \int_{-a}^{a} \exp(x t)d x = \frac{1}{2 a t} [e^{at} - e^{-at}] = \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty}\frac{(at)^{2 n}}{(2 n + 1)!} \]

But \((2n+1)! \geq n! 2^n\). Hence we have

\[ \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty}\frac{(at)^{2 n}}{(2 n + 1)!} \leq \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty}\frac{(at)^{2 n}}{( n! 2^n)} = \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty}\frac{(a^2 t^2 / 2)^{n}}{( n!)} = \exp \left (\frac{a^2 t^2}{2} \right ). \]


\[ \EE [\exp(X t ] \leq \exp \left ( \frac{a^2 t^2}{2} \right ). \]

Hence \(X \sim \Sub(a^2)\) or \(X\) is \(a\)-subgaussian.

Example 7.19 (Random variable with bounded support)

Consider \(X\) as a zero mean, bounded random variable i.e.

\[ \PP(|X| \leq B) = 1 \]

for some \(B \in \RR^+\) and

\[ \EE(X) = 0. \]

Then, the following upper bound holds:

\[ \EE [ \exp(X t) ] = \int_{-B}^{B} \exp(x t) f_X(x) d x \leq \exp\left (\frac{B^2 t^2}{2} \right ). \]

This result can be proven with some advanced calculus. \(X \sim \Sub(B^2)\) or \(X\) is \(B\)-subgaussian.

There are some useful properties of subgaussian random variables.

Lemma 7.7 (Mean and variance of subgaussian random variables)

If \(X \sim \Sub(c^2)\) then

\[ \EE (X) = 0 \]


\[ \EE(X^2) \leq c^2. \]

Thus subgaussian random variables are always zero-mean. Their variance is always bounded by the variance of the bounding Gaussian distribution.

Proof. We proceed as follows:

  1. Note that

    \[ \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} \frac{t^n}{n!} \EE (X^n) = \EE \left( \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} \frac{(X t)^n}{n!} \right ) = \EE \left ( \exp(X t) \right ). \]
  2. But since \(X \sim \Sub(c^2)\) hence

    \[ \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} \frac{t^n}{n!} \EE (X^n) \leq \exp \left ( \frac{c^2 t^2}{2} \right) = \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} \frac{c^{2 n} t^{2 n}}{2^n n!}. \]
  3. Restating

    \[ \EE (X) t + \EE (X^2) \frac{t^2}{2!} \leq \frac{c^2 t^2}{2} + \smallO (t^2) \text{ as } t \to 0. \]
  4. Dividing throughout by \(t > 0\) and letting \(t \to 0\) we get \(\EE (X) \leq 0\).

  5. Dividing throughout by \(t < 0\) and letting \(t \to 0\) we get \(\EE (X) \geq 0\).

  6. Thus \(\EE (X) = 0\). So \(\Var(X) = \EE (X^2)\).

  7. Now we are left with

    \[ \EE (X^2) \frac{t^2}{2!} \leq \frac{c^2 t^2}{2} + \smallO (t^2) \text{ as } t \to 0. \]
  8. Dividing throughout by \(t^2\) and letting \(t \to 0\) we get \(\Var(X) \leq c^2\).

Subgaussian variables have a linear structure.

Theorem 7.24 (Linearity of subgaussian variables)

If \(X \sim \Sub(c^2)\) i.e. \(X\) is \(c\)-subgaussian, then for any \(\alpha \in \RR\), the r.v. \(\alpha X\) is \(|\alpha| c\)-subgaussian.

If \(X_1, X_2\) are r.v. such that \(X_i\) is \(c_i\)-subgaussian, then \(X_1 + X_2\) is \(c_1 + c_2\)-subgaussian.

Proof. Scalar multiplication:

  1. Let \(X\) be \(c\)-subgaussian.

  2. Then

    \[ \EE [\exp(X t) ] \leq \exp \left (\frac{c^2 t^2}{2} \right ). \]
  3. Now for \(\alpha \neq 0\), we have

    \[ \EE [\exp(\alpha X t) ] \leq \exp \left (\frac{\alpha^2 c^2 t^2}{2} \right ) \leq \exp \left (\frac{(|\alpha | c)^2 t^2}{2} \right ). \]
  4. Hence \(\alpha X\) is \(|\alpha| c\)-subgaussian.


  1. Consider \(X_1\) as \(c_1\)-subgaussian and \(X_2\) as \(c_2\)-subgaussian.

  2. Thus

    \[ \EE (\exp(X_i t) ) \leq \exp \left (\frac{c_i^2 t^2}{2} \right ). \]
  3. Let \(p, q >1 \) be two numbers s.t. \(\frac{1}{p} + \frac{1}{q} = 1\).

  4. Using H”older’s inequality, we have

    \[\begin{split} \EE (\exp((X_1 + X_2)t) ) &\leq \left [ \EE (\exp(X_1 t) )^p\right ]^{\frac{1}{p}} \left [ \EE (\exp(X_2 t) )^q\right ]^{\frac{1}{q}}\\ &= \left [ \EE (\exp( p X_1 t) )\right ]^{\frac{1}{p}} \left [ \EE (\exp(q X_2 t) )\right ]^{\frac{1}{q}}\\ &\leq \left [ \exp \left (\frac{(p c_1)^2 t^2}{2} \right ) \right ]^{\frac{1}{p}} \left [ \exp \left (\frac{(q c_2)^2 t^2}{2} \right ) \right ]^{\frac{1}{q}}\\ &= \exp \left ( \frac{t^2}{2} ( p c_1^2 + q c_2^2) \right ) \\ &= \exp \left ( \frac{t^2}{2} ( p c_1^2 + \frac{p}{p - 1} c_2^2) \right ). \end{split}\]
  5. Since this is valid for any \(p > 1\), we can minimize the r.h.s. over \(p > 1\).

  6. If suffices to minimize the term

    \[ r = p c_1^2 + \frac{p}{p - 1} c_2^2. \]
  7. We have

    \[ \frac{\partial r}{\partial p} = c_1^2 - \frac{1}{(p-1)^2}c_2^2. \]
  8. Equating it to 0 gives us

    \[ p - 1 = \frac{c_2}{c_1} \implies p = \frac{c_1 + c_2}{c_1} \implies \frac{p}{p -1} = \frac{c_1 + c_2}{c_2}. \]
  9. Taking second derivative, we can verify that this is indeed a minimum value.

  10. Thus

    \[ r_{\min} = (c_1 + c_2)^2. \]
  11. Hence we have the result

    \[ \EE (\exp((X_1 + X_2)t) ) \leq \exp \left (\frac{(c_1+ c_2)^2 t^2}{2} \right ). \]
  12. Thus \(X_1 + X_2\) is \((c_1 + c_2)\)-subgaussian.

If \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) are independent, then \(X_1 + X_2\) is \(\sqrt{c_1^2 + c_2^2}\)-subgaussian.

If \(X\) is \(c\)-subgaussian then naturally, \(X\) is \(d\)-subgaussian for any \(d \geq c\). A question arises as to what is the minimum value of \(c\) such that \(X\) is \(c\)-subgaussian.

Definition 7.34 (Subgaussian moment)

For a centered random variable \(X\), the subgaussian moment of \(X\), denoted by \(\sigma(X)\), is defined as

\[ \sigma(X) = \inf \left \{ c \geq 0 \; | \; \EE (\exp(X t) ) \leq \exp \left (\frac{c^2 t^2}{2} \right ), \Forall t \in \RR. \right \} \]

\(X\) is subgaussian if and only if \(\sigma(X)\) is finite.

We can also show that \(\sigma(\cdot)\) is a norm on the space of subgaussian random variables. And this normed space is complete.

For centered Gaussian r.v. \(X \sim \NNN(0, \sigma^2)\), the subgaussian moment coincides with the standard deviation. \(\sigma(X) = \sigma\).

Sometimes it is useful to consider more restrictive class of subgaussian random variables.

Definition 7.35 (Strictly subgaussian distribution)

A random variable \(X\) is called strictly subgaussian if \(X \sim \Sub(\sigma^2)\) where \(\sigma^2 = \EE(X^2)\), i.e. the inequality

\[ \EE (\exp(X t) ) \leq \exp \left (\frac{\sigma^2 t^2}{2} \right ) \]

holds true for all \(t \in \RR\).

We will denote strictly subgaussian variables by \(X \sim \SSub (\sigma^2)\).

Example 7.20 (Gaussian distribution)

If \(X \sim \NNN (0, \sigma^2)\) then \(X \sim \SSub(\sigma^2)\).

7.9.1. Characterization#

We quickly review Markov’s inequality which will help us establish the results in this subsection.

Let \(X\) be a non-negative random variable. And let \(t > 0\). Then

\[ \PP (X \geq t ) \leq \frac{\EE (X)}{t}. \]

Theorem 7.25

For a centered random variable \(X\), the following statements are equivalent:

  1. moment generating function condition:

    \[ \EE [\exp(X t) ] \leq \exp \left (\frac{c^2 t^2}{2} \right ) \Forall t \in \RR. \]
  2. Subgaussian tail estimate: There exists \(a > 0\) such that

    \[ \PP(|X| \geq \lambda) \leq 2 \exp (- a \lambda^2) \Forall \lambda > 0. \]
  3. \(\psi_2\)-condition: There exists some \(b > 0\) such that

    \[ \EE [\exp (b X^2) ] \leq 2. \]

Proof. \((1) \implies (2)\)

  1. Using Markov’s inequality, for any \(t > 0\) we have

    \[\begin{split} \PP(X \geq \lambda) &= \PP (t X \geq t \lambda) = \PP \left(e^{t X} \geq e^{t \lambda} \right )\\ &\leq \frac{\EE \left ( e^{t X} \right ) }{e^{t \lambda}} \leq \exp \left ( - t \lambda + \frac{c^2 t^2}{2}\right ) \Forall t \in \RR. \end{split}\]
  2. Since this is valid for all \(t \in \RR\), hence it should be valid for the minimum value of r.h.s.

  3. The minimum value is obtained for \(t = \frac{\lambda}{c^2}\).

  4. Thus we get

    \[ \PP(X \geq \lambda) \leq \exp \left ( - \frac{\lambda^2}{2 c^2}\right ). \]
  5. Since \(X\) is \(c\)-subgaussian, hence \(-X\) is also \(c\)-subgaussian.

  6. Hence

    \[ \PP (X \leq - \lambda) = \PP (-X \geq \lambda) \leq \exp \left ( - \frac{\lambda^2}{2 c^2}\right ). \]
  7. Thus

    \[ \PP(|X| \geq \lambda) = \PP (X \leq - \lambda) + \PP(X \geq \lambda) \leq 2 \exp \left ( - \frac{\lambda^2}{2 c^2}\right ). \]
  8. Thus we can choose \(a = \frac{1}{2 c^2}\) to complete the proof.

\((2)\implies (3)\)


\[ \EE (\exp (b X^2)) \leq 1 + \int_0^{\infty} 2 b t \exp (b t^2) \PP (|X| > t)d t \]

\((3)\implies (1)\)


7.9.2. More Properties#

We also have the following result on the exponential moment of a subgaussian random variable.

Lemma 7.8

Suppose \(X \sim \Sub(c^2)\). Then

\[ \EE \left [\exp \left ( \frac{\lambda X^2}{2 c^2} \right ) \right ] \leq \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - \lambda}} \]

for any \(\lambda \in [0,1)\).

Proof. We are given that

\[\begin{split} &\EE (\exp(X t) ) \leq \exp \left (\frac{c^2 t^2}{2} \right )\\ &\implies \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \exp(t x) f_X(x) d x \leq \exp \left (\frac{c^2 t^2}{2} \right ) \Forall t \in \RR\\ \end{split}\]

Multiplying on both sides with \(\exp \left ( -\frac{c^2 t^2}{2 \lambda} \right )\):

\[ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \exp \left (t x - \frac{c^2 t^2}{2 \lambda}\right ) f_X(x) d x \leq \exp \left (\frac{c^2 t^2}{2}\frac{\lambda-1}{\lambda} \right ) = \exp \left (-\frac{t^2}{2}\frac{c^2 (1 - \lambda)}{\lambda} \right ) \]

Integrating on both sides w.r.t. \(t\) we get:

\[ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \exp \left (t x - \frac{c^2 t^2}{2 \lambda}\right ) f_X(x) d x d t \leq \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \exp \left (-\frac{t^2}{2}\frac{c^2 (1 - \lambda)}{\lambda} \right ) d t \]

which reduces to:

\[\begin{split} &\frac{1}{c} \sqrt{2 \pi \lambda} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \exp \left ( \frac{\lambda x^2}{2 c^2} \right ) f_X(x) d x \leq \frac{1}{c} \sqrt {\frac{2 \pi \lambda}{1 - \lambda}}\\ \implies & \EE \left (\exp \left ( \frac{\lambda X^2}{2 c^2} \right ) \right ) \leq \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - \lambda}} \end{split}\]

which completes the proof.

7.9.3. Subgaussian Random Vectors#

The linearity property of subgaussian r.v.s can be extended to random vectors also. This is stated more formally in following result.

Theorem 7.26

Suppose that \(X = [X_1, X_2,\dots, X_N]\), where each \(X_i\) is i.i.d. with \(X_i \sim \Sub(c^2)\). Then for any \(\alpha \in \RR^N\), \( \langle X, \alpha \rangle \sim \Sub(c^2 \| \alpha \|^2_2)\). Similarly if each \(X_i \sim \SSub(\sigma^2)\), then for any \(\alpha \in \RR^N\), \(\langle X, \alpha \rangle \sim \SSub(\sigma^2 \| \alpha \|^2_2)\).

Norm of a subgaussian random vector

  1. Let \(X\) be a random vector where each \(X_i\) is i.i.d. with \(X_i \sim \Sub (c^2)\).

  2. Consider the \(l_2\) norm \(\| X \|_2\). It is a random variable in its own right.

  3. It would be useful to understand the average behavior of the norm.

  4. Suppose \(N=1\). Then \(\| X \|_2 = |X_1|\).

  5. Also \(\| X \|^2_2 = X_1^2\). Thus \(\EE (\| X \|^2_2) = \sigma^2\).

  6. It looks like \(\EE (\| X \|^2_2)\) should be connected with \(\sigma^2\).

  7. Norm can increase or decrease compared to the average value.

  8. A ratio based measure between actual value and average value would be useful.

  9. What is the probability that the norm increases beyond a given factor?

  10. What is the probability that the norm reduces beyond a given factor?

These bounds are stated formally in the following theorem.

Theorem 7.27

Suppose that \(X = [X_1, X_2,\dots, X_N]\), where each \(X_i\) is i.i.d. with \(X_i \sim \Sub(c^2)\). Then

(7.3)#\[\EE (\| X \|_2^2 ) = N \sigma^2.\]

Moreover, for any \(\alpha \in (0,1)\) and for any \(\beta \in [\frac{c^2}{\sigma^2}, \beta_{\max}]\), there exists a constant \(\kappa^* \geq 4\) depending only on \(\beta_{\max}\) and the ratio \(\frac{\sigma^2}{c^2}\) such that

(7.4)#\[\PP (\| X \|_2^2 \leq \alpha N \sigma^2) \leq \exp \left ( - \frac{ N (1 - \alpha)^2}{\kappa^*} \right ) \]


(7.5)#\[\PP (\| X \|_2^2 \geq \beta N \sigma^2) \leq \exp \left ( - \frac{ N (\beta - 1)^2}{\kappa^*} \right ) \]
  • First equation gives the average value of the square of the norm.

  • Second inequality states the upper bound on the probability that norm could reduce beyond a factor given by \(\alpha < 1\).

  • Third inequality states the upper bound on the probability that norm could increase beyond a factor given by \(\beta > 1\).

  • Note that if \(X_i\) are strictly subgaussian, then \(c=\sigma\). Hence \(\beta \in (1, \beta_{\max})\).

Proof. Since \(X_i\) are independent hence

\[ \EE \left [ \| X \|_2^2 \right ] = \EE \left [ \sum_{i=1}^N X_i^2 \right ] = \sum_{i=1}^N \EE \left [ X_i^2 \right ] = N \sigma^2. \]

This proves the first part.

Now let us look at (7.5).

By applying Markov’s inequality for any \(\lambda > 0\) we have:

\[\begin{split} \PP (\| X \|_2^2 \geq \beta N \sigma^2) &= \PP \left ( \exp (\lambda \| X \|_2^2 ) \geq \exp (\lambda \beta N \sigma^2) \right) \\ & \leq \frac{\EE (\exp (\lambda \| X \|_2^2 )) }{\exp (\lambda \beta N \sigma^2)} = \frac{\prod_{i=1}^{N}\EE (\exp ( \lambda X_i^2 )) }{\exp (\lambda \beta N \sigma^2)} \end{split}\]

Since \(X_i\) is \(c\)-subgaussian, hence from \cref {lem:subgaussian_exp_square_moment} we have

\[ \EE (\exp ( \lambda X_i^2 )) = \EE \left (\exp \left ( \frac{2 c^2\lambda X_i^2}{2 c^2} \right ) \right) \leq \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - 2 c^2 \lambda}}. \]


\[ \prod_{i=1}^{N}\EE (\exp ( \lambda X_i^2 )) \leq \left ( \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - 2 c^2 \lambda}} \right )^{\frac{N}{2}}. \]

Putting it back we get:

\[ \PP (\| X \|_2^2 \geq \beta N \sigma^2) \leq \left (\frac{\exp (- 2\lambda \beta \sigma^2)}{\sqrt{1 - 2 c^2 \lambda}}\right )^{\frac{N}{2}}. \]

Since above is valid for all \(\lambda > 0\), we can minimize the R.H.S. over \(\lambda\) by setting the derivative w.r.t. \(\lambda\) to \(0\).

Thus we get optimum \(\lambda\) as:

\[ \lambda = \frac{\beta \sigma^2 - c^2 }{2 c^2 \sigma^2 (1 + \beta)}. \]

Plugging this back we get:

\[ \PP (\| X \|_2^2 \geq \beta N \sigma^2) \leq \left ( \beta \frac{\sigma^2}{c^2} \exp \left ( 1 - \beta \frac{\sigma^2}{c^2} \right ) \right ) ^{\frac{N}{2}}. \]

Similarly proceeding for (7.4) we get

\[ \PP (\| X \|_2^2 \leq \alpha N \sigma^2) \leq \left ( \alpha \frac{\sigma^2}{c^2} \exp \left ( 1 - \alpha \frac{\sigma^2}{c^2} \right ) \right ) ^{\frac{N}{2}}. \]

We need to simplify these equations. We will do some jugglery now. Consider the function

\[ f(\gamma) = \frac{2 (\gamma - 1)^2}{(\gamma-1) - \ln \gamma} \Forall \gamma > 0. \]

By differentiating twice, we can show that this is a strictly increasing function. Let us have \(\gamma \in (0, \gamma_{\max}]\). Define

\[ \kappa^* = \max \left ( 4, \frac{2 (\gamma_{\max} - 1)^2}{(\gamma_{\max}-1) - \ln \gamma_{\max}} \right ) \]


\[ \kappa^* \geq \frac{2 (\gamma - 1)^2}{(\gamma-1) - \ln \gamma} \Forall \gamma \in (0, \gamma_{\max}]. \]

Which gives us:

\[ \ln (\gamma) \leq (\gamma - 1) - \frac{2 (\gamma - 1)^2}{\kappa^*}. \]

Hence by exponentiating on both sides we get:

\[ \gamma \leq \exp \left [ (\gamma - 1) - \frac{2 (\gamma - 1)^2}{\kappa^*} \right ]. \]

By slight manipulation we get:

\[ \gamma \exp ( 1 - \gamma) \leq \exp \left [ \frac{2 (1 - \gamma )^2}{\kappa^*} \right ]. \]

We now choose

\[ \gamma = \alpha \frac{\sigma^2}{c^2} \]

Substituting we get:

\[ \PP (\| X \|_2^2 \leq \alpha N \sigma^2) \leq \left ( \gamma \exp \left ( 1 - \gamma \right ) \right ) ^{\frac{N}{2}} \leq \exp \left [ \frac{N (1 - \gamma )^2}{\kappa^*} \right ] . \]


\[ c \geq \sigma \implies \frac{\sigma^2}{c^2}\leq 1 \implies \gamma \leq \alpha \implies 1 - \gamma \geq 1 - \alpha \]

Thus we get

\[ \PP (\| X \|_2^2 \leq \alpha N \sigma^2) \leq \exp \left [ \frac{N (1 - \alpha )^2}{\kappa^*} \right ] . \]

Similarly by choosing \(\gamma = \beta \frac{\sigma^2}{c^2}\) proves the other bound.

We can now map \(\gamma_{\max}\) to some \(\beta_{\max}\) by:

\[ \gamma_{\max} = \frac {\beta_{\max} \sigma^2 }{c^2}. \]

This result tells us that given a vector with entries drawn from a subgaussian distribution, we can expect the norm of the vector to concentrate around its expected value \(N\sigma^2\).