10.3. Directions of Recession#

In this section, we analyze the question of existence of optimal solutions of a convex optimization problem from the perspective of the theory of recession cones developed in Recession Cones.

Main references for this section are [9].

Recall from Theorem 9.71 that the epigraph of a convex function is convex. Recall from Theorem 3.92 that the epigraph of a closed function is closed. Also the epigraph of a proper function is nonempty. Hence, the epigraph of a proper, closed and convex function is nonempty, closed and convex. Also, it is easy to see that the epigraph is also unbounded.

The key idea is that the recession cone of the epigraph can be used to obtain the directions along which the function decreases monotonically.

Throughout this section, we shall assume that V is a Euclidean space unless otherwise specified.

10.3.1. Existence of Solutions of Convex Programs#

The recession cone of a function provides excellent candidates for descent directions for a convex function.

If we start at some xdomf and move indefinitely along a recession direction yRf, then we are guaranteed that we stay within the sublevel set sublevel(f,f(x)); i.e., f(x+αy)f(x) for every α0.

Observation 10.2

A direction of recession of a proper convex function f is a direction of continuous non-ascent; i.e., the value of the function never increases in a direction of recession.

Conversely, if we start at some xdomf and while moving along a direction yV, encounter a point z=x+αy for some α>0 such that f(z)>f(x), then y cannot be a direction of recession.

A direction that is not a direction of recession of f is a direction of eventual continuous ascent of f.

Theorem 10.24 (Continuous ascent on non-recession directions)

Let f:V(,] be a proper, closed and convex function. Let yRf where Rf is the recession cone of f. Let xdomf. Then, along the ray starting from x in the direction y, eventually f increases monotonically to ; i.e., for some t0 and for all s1,s2t with s1<s2, we have


Proof. We recall that Rf is the recession cone for all nonempty sublevel sets of f.

  1. Let S0 denote the sublevel set {zV|f(z)f(x)}.

  2. Then y is not a recession direction of S0.

  3. Then due to Theorem 9.179, there exists some t>0 such that x+tyS0.

  4. Hence f(x+ty)>f(x).

  5. In other words, the point x+ty is outside the relative boundary of S0.

  6. Consider any s>t.

  7. Let u=x+ty and v=x+sy.

  8. Clearly u lies on the line segment between x and v.

  9. Let r=ts.

  10. Then

  11. By convexity of f

  12. Hence

  13. Thus f(v)>f(u).

  14. Thus for every s>t, we have

  15. Now pick any s1,s2t with s1<s2.

  16. By the previous argument

  17. Noting that x+s1y lies on the line segment between x and x+s2y, using the previous argument, it is clear that

  18. Since for all st, f is strictly monotonically increasing, hence

    limsf(x+sy)=. Constrained Minimization: Compact Solution Set#

Theorem 10.25 (Constrained minimization: nonempty and compact minimizer set)

Let f:V(,] be a proper, closed and convex function. Let X be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of V. Assume that C=Xdomf. Consider the optimization problem:

minimize f(x)subject to xX.

Then the set of minimizers of f over X is nonempty and compact if and only if X and f have no common nonzero direction of recession; i.e.,


Proof. Let X denote the set of minimizers for this optimization problem. Let p be the optimal value of the optimization problem.

We first consider the case of unconstrained minimization where X=V. Hence C=domf.

  1. In this case RX=V.

  2. Hence RfRX={0} if and only if Rf={0}.

  3. Assume that X is nonempty and compact.

  4. We have X={xV|f(x)p}.

  5. X is a nonempty sublevel set.

  6. Since X is a sublevel set and f is closed and convex, hence X is also closed and convex.

  7. Since X is compact, it is closed and bounded.

  8. Hence, as per Theorem 9.181, its recession cone is {0}.

  9. Then due to Definition 9.68, the recession cone of f, Rf={0}.

  10. Conversely if RfRX={0}, then Rf={0}.

  11. Then the recession cone of every nonempty sublevel set is {0}.

  12. Then due to Theorem 9.181, every nonempty sublevel set is closed and bounded, hence compact.

  13. Then due to Weierstrass theorem (Theorem 8.9), X is nonempty and compact (since one of the sublevel sets is nonempty and bounded).

We now consider the more general case where XV.

  1. Introduce a new function f~:V(,] given by

    f~(x)={f(x) if xX; otherwise .
  2. We can see that domf~=Xdomf=C which is nonempty by hypothesis.

  3. Hence f~ is proper.

  4. Since f is convex, hence f~ (a restriction of f on X) is also convex.

  5. Note that for any tR

  6. Since both sublevel(f,t) and X are closed and convex sets, hence sublevel(f~,t) is also closed and convex for every tR.

  7. Since all sublevel sets of f~ are closed, hence f is a closed function.

  8. Thus, f~ is a proper, closed and convex function.

  9. Furthermore, the set of minimizers for the unconstrained minimization of f~ is nothing but X.

  10. Thus, the original constrained minimization program of minimizing f over X is equivalent to the unconstrained minimization of f~.

  11. By the previous argument, X is nonempty and compact if and only if f~ has no nonzero direction of recession.

  12. The recession cones of f and f~ are related by

    1. Let tR be such that sublevel(f~,t) is nonempty.

    2. Then Rf~=Rsublevel(f~,t).

    3. But sublevel(f~,t)=sublevel(f,t)X.

    4. Since both sublevel(f,t) and X are nonempty, closed and convex and their intersection is nonempty, hence due to Theorem 9.183,

  13. Hence X is nonempty and compact if and only if RfRX={0}. Constrained Minimization: Existence of Solutions#

The Theorem 10.25 provides guarantees under which the problem of minimization of a proper, closed and convex function f over a nonempty, closed and convex set X has nonempty as well as compact solution set X. In this subsection, we concern ourselves with the more general case where the solution set may be unbounded. In other words, we are only concerned with the conditions under which X is nonempty.

Lemma 10.1 (Constrained minimization: nested sublevel sets)

Let f:V(,] be a proper, closed and convex function. Let X be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of V. Assume that Xdomf. Consider the optimization problem:

minimize f(x)subject to xX.

Let p=infxXf(x). Let {tk} be a nonincreasing sequence of real numbers such that tkp; i.e., the sequence reaches the limit p from above. Consider the sublevel sets Vk=sublevel(f,tk).

  1. The sublevel sets Vk are nonempty for every k.

  2. The sequence {Vk} is a sequence of nested sets.

  3. The set XVk is nonempty for every k.

  4. The set XVK is closed and convex for every k.

  5. The sequence {XVk} is a sequence of nested sets.

  6. The set of minimizers X for the optimization problem is given by


Proof. tkp means that

  1. tk>p for every k.

  2. tk+1tk for every k.

  3. For every ϵ>0, there exists a k such that tkp+ϵ.

We are given that p is the optimum value. Hence for every ϵ>0, there exists a xXdomf such that f(x)p+ϵ.

(1) Vk is nonempty.

  1. Since tk>p, hence ϵ=tkp>0.

  2. Then there exists xXdomf such that f(x)p+ϵ=tk.

  3. Hence Vk=sublevel(f,tk).

(2) Nested sublevel sets

  1. Vk+1Vk for every k since tk+1tk for every k.

  2. Hence {Vk} is a sequence of nested sets.

(3) XVk is nonempty.

  1. We established that there exists xXdomf such that f(x)tk.

  2. Hence xX and xVk.

  3. Hence XVk is nonempty.

(4) XVk is closed and convex.

  1. X is closed by hypothesis.

  2. Since f is closed, hence Vk is closed.

  3. Since X and Vk are both closed, hence XVk is closed.

  4. X is convex by hypothesis.

  5. Since f is convex, hence Vk is convex.

  6. Since X and Vk are both convex, hence XVk is convex.

(5) {XVk} is nested.

  1. Since Vk+1Vk, hence XVk+1XVk for every k.

  2. Hence {XVk} is a sequence of nested sets.

(6) Minimizers

  1. Let xX.

  2. Then f(x)=p and xX.

  3. Hence xsublevel(f,t) for every tp and xX.

  4. Hence xXVk for every k.

  5. Hence XXVk for every k.

  6. Hence Xk=1(XVk).

  7. For the converse, let xk=1(XVk).

  8. Then xX and xVk for every k.

  9. Hence xX and f(x)tk for every k.

  10. Then f(x)limktk.

  11. Hence f(x)p.

  12. But since p is the optimal value, hence f(x)=p.

  13. Thus, xX and f(x)=p.

  14. Hence xX.

  15. Hence k=1(XVk)X.

  16. Together X=k=1(XVk).

Theorem 10.26 (Constrained minimization: existence of solutions)

Let f:V(,] be a proper, closed and convex function. Let X be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of V. Assume that C=Xdomf. Consider the optimization problem:

minimize f(x)subject to xX.

Then the set of minimizers of f over X is nonempty if


In particular, the set of minimizers is of the form


where X~ is some nonempty and compact set.

Proof. .

  1. Let p=infxXf(x).

  2. Let {tk} be a nonincreasing sequence of real numbers such that tkp; i.e., the sequence reaches the limit p from above.

  3. Consider the sublevel sets

  4. Then the set of minimizers is given by X=k=1(XVk).

  5. The sets XVk are nonempty, closed, convex and nested due to Lemma 10.1.

  6. For every k, the recession cone of XVk is R=RXRf due to Theorem 9.183 and Definition 9.68.

  7. For every k, the lineality space of XVk is L=LXLf due to Theorem 9.187 and Observation 9.5.

  8. Thus, every XVk has the same recession cone and lineality space satisfying R=L by hypothesis.

  9. Then due to Theorem 9.190, the nested sequence of nonempty, closed and convex sets {XVk} has a nonempty intersection and has the form


    where X~ is a nonempty and compact set.

  10. By Lemma 10.1, X=k=1(XVk).

  11. We are done. Minimization with Linear Constraints: Existence of Solutions#

Theorem 10.27 (Minimization with linear inequality constraints: existence of solutions)

Let f:V(,] be a proper, closed and convex function. Let X be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of V specified as a set of linear inequality constraints; i.e.,


where aiV and biR.

Assume that C=Xdomf. Consider the optimization problem:

minimize f(x)subject to xX.

Then the set of minimizers of f over X is nonempty if


Proof. Following the proof of Theorem 10.26, we choose {tk} such that tkp.

  1. X is an intersection of closed half-spaces.

  2. Hence X is nonempty, closed and convex.

  3. {Vk} is a nested sequences of nonempty, closed and convex sets.

  4. XVk is nonempty for all k.

  5. Since Vk are nonempty, hence they have the same recession cone Rf and same lineality space Lf.

  6. RXRfLf by hypothesis.

  7. Hence due to Theorem 9.191,


    is nonempty. Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Minimization#

Theorem 10.28 (Quadratically constrained quadratic minimization: existence of solutions)

Let f:Rn(,] be a proper, closed and convex function given by


where QS+n is a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix, aRn is a vector.

Let X be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of Rn given by


where QjS+n, ajRn and bjR. Assume that C=Xdomf. Consider the optimization problem:

minimize f(x)subject to xX.

Assume that the optimal value for this optimization problem p>. Then the set of minimizers of f over X is nonempty.

Proof. Following the proof of Theorem 10.26, we choose {tk} such that tkp.

  1. The sets Vk have the form


    where {tk} is a nonincreasing sequence converging to p which is finite.

  2. X is specified via a set of quadratic inequalities.

  3. XVk is nonempty for all k.

  4. By Theorem 9.192, the set


    is nonempty. Quadratic Programs#

Theorem 10.29 (Quadratic minimization with linear inequalities: existence of solutions)

Let f:Rn(,] be a proper, closed and convex function given by


where QS+n is a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix, cRn is a vector.

Let X be a nonempty set of the form


where ARm×n and bRn. The following are equivalent.

  1. f attains a minimum over X.

  2. The optimum value p>.

  3. For all y such that Ay0 and ynullQ, we have cTy0.

The recession cone of X is given by {y|Ay0}.

Recall from Example 9.65 that

Rf={y|Qy=0,cTy0} and Lf={y|Qy=0,cTy=0}.

Proof. (1) (2) is obvious.

(2) (3)

  1. For all xX, ynullQ with Ay0 and α0, we have

    1. yRX since Ay0.

    2. Hence x+αyX.

    3. Also


      We used the hypothesis that Qy=yTQ=0.

  2. If cTy<0, then limαf(x+αy)=.

  3. Hence p=.

  4. This contradicts the hypothesis that p>.

  5. Hence cTy0 must hold for every ynullQ with Ay0.

(3) (1)

  1. yRX since Ay0.

  2. Rf=(nullQ){y|cTy0}.

  3. Hence

  4. Then for every yRXRf, then we must have cTy=0.

    1. Since yRXRf, hence Ay0 and ynullQ.

    2. By hypothesis (3), we must have cTy0.

    3. But since yRXRf, hence we also have cTy0.

    4. Together, we must have cTy=0.

  5. Hence RXRf reduces to

  6. Recall that Lf={y|Qy=0,cTy=0}.

  7. Hence RXRfLf.

  8. We satisfy all the requirements of Theorem 10.27,

  9. Hence the set of minimizers is nonempty.

  10. f indeed attains a minimum over X.