4.7. The Euclidean Space#

This section consolidates major results for the real Euclidean space Rn as a ready reference. R2 (the 2-dimensional plane) and R3 the 3-dimensional space are the most familiar spaces to us.

Rn is a generalization in n dimensions.

Definition 4.89 (Rn and Euclidean space)

For any positive integer n, the set of all n-tuples of real numbers forms an n-dimensional vector space over R which is denoted as Rn. It is sometimes called real coordinate space.

An element x in Rn is written as


where each xi is a real number.

Vector space operations on Rn are defined by:


When equipped with the standard inner product and standard norm (defined below), Rn becomes the Euclidean space.

Definition 4.90 (Standard basis)

Rn comes with the standard ordered basis B={e1,e2,,en}:


An arbitrary vector xRn can be written as


4.7.1. Inner Products#

Definition 4.91 (Standard inner product/ dot product)

The standard inner product (a.k.a. dot product) on Rn is defined as:


This makes Rn an inner product space.

Remark 4.10

The dot product is always a real number. Hence we have symmetry:


It is a real inner product.

Definition 4.92 (Q inner product)

Let Q be an n×n real symmetric positive definite matrix. The Q inner product is defined as:


Q inner product reduces to standard dot product when Q=I.

4.7.2. Norms#

We use norms as a measure of strength of a signal or size of an error. Different norms signify different aspects of the signal.

Definition 4.93 (Euclidean norm)

The length of the vector (a.k.a. Euclidean norm or 2 norm) is defined as:


This makes Rn a normed linear space. Angles#

Definition 4.94 (Angle)

The angle θ between two vectors is given by:

θ=cos1x,yxy. p Norms#

In addition to standard Euclidean norm, we define a family of norms indexed by p[1,] known as p norms over Rn.

Definition 4.95 (p norm)

Let p[1,]. For any nN, the lp norm denoted as p:RnR mapping any vector xRn to a non-negative number is defined as:

xp={(i=1n|xi|p)1p if p[1,)max1in|xi| if p=.

We mention the special cases. p=1 gives us:


p=2 gives us:


which is same as the standard Euclidean norm.

p= gives us:


We need to justify that p norm defined as above is indeed a norm. Before that, we state the Hölder’s inequality for the Euclidean space.

Theorem 4.110 (Hölder’s inequality)

Let u,vRn. Let p[1,] and let q be its conjugate exponent.

We have:


where uv denotes the element-wise multiplication given by:


Proof. If u=0 or v=0, then (4.4) follows immediately.

Now, consider the case where u0 and v0.

If p=1, then q=. We have:


The same argument applies for the case of p= and q=1 too. For the case of p,q(1,), we have:

up=(k=1n|uk|p)1pand vq=(k=1n|vk|q)1q.

We recall the Hölder's inequality for real numbers. For any nN, a1,,an0, b1,,bn0, p,q being conjugate exponents, we have:


Let ak=|uk| and bk=|vk|. Then


We are now ready to prove that p norm is indeed a norm.

Theorem 4.111 (p norms are norms)

For any nN and any p[1,], the function p as defined in Definition 4.95 is a norm.

Proof. [Positive definiteness] By definition, if u0, then up>0. Similarly, up=0 implies u=0.

[Positive homogeneity] Let αR. If p<, then


For p=,


[Triangle inequality] Let u,vRn. If p=1, then


If p=, then:


We are left with the case p(1,).


By Hölder’s inequality:


Note that (p1)q=p since p,q are conjugate exponents.



Combining, we get:


Note that:


Thus, dividing both sides by u+vppq, we get:


as desired. 2 Norm#

As we can see from definition, 2 norm is same as the Euclidean norm.

So we have:

x=x2. 1 Norm#

From above definition, we have

x1=i=1n|xi|=|x1|+|x2|++|xn|. Quasi-norms#

In some cases it is useful to extend the notion of p norms to the case where 0<p<1.

In such cases norm as defined in Definition 4.95 doesn’t satisfy triangle inequality. Hence it is not a proper norm function. We call such functions as quasi-norms. 0 “norm”#

Of specific mention is 0 “norm”. It isn’t even a quasi-norm. Note the use of quotes around the word norm to distinguish l0 “norm” from usual norms.

Definition 4.96 (0 “norm”)

0 “norm” is defined as:


where supp(x)={i:xi0} denotes the support of x.

Note that x0 defined above doesn’t follow the definition in Definition 4.95.

Yet we can show that:


which justifies the notation.

Definition 4.97 (Q norm)

The Q norm induced by Q inner product is given by

xQ=xTQx. Equivalence of Norms#

Rn is a finite dimensional vector space and all norms on Rn are equivalent. However, reaching this conclusion requires some hoofs to go through. Here is the roadmap.

  1. We first establish that 1 and 2 norms are equivalent.

  2. We then establish that 2 and norms are equivalent.

  3. We recall the Heine-Borel theorem for Euclidean metric and show that closed and bounded sets of (Rn,2) are compact.

  4. We then take advantage of the fact that equivalent norms lead to same topologies (open, closed and compact sets) as well as bounded sets and show that closed and bounded sets of (Rn,1) are also compact.

  5. We are then in a position to demonstrate that all norms on Rn are indeed equivalent.

Theorem 4.112 (Equivalence of 1 and 2 norms)

The 1 and 2 norms on Rn are equivalent. In particular, for any xRn




Proof. By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality


where 1 is the vector of all ones. Thus,






Thus, the two norms are equivalent.

Theorem 4.113 (Equivalence of 2 and norms)

The 2 and norms on Rn are equivalent. In particular, for any xRn




Proof. Let x=sup{|xi|}.

  1. Then, |xi|x.

  2. Thus, |xi|2x2.

  3. Taking the sum x22nx2.

  4. Taking the square root x2nx.

For the other side, we note that


Thus, xx2. Thus, the two norms are equivalent.

Theorem 4.114 (Equivalence of 1, 2, and |infty norms)

The 1, 2 and norms on Rn are equivalent.

Proof. We proceed as follows:

  1. By Theorem 4.112, 1 and 2 norms are equivalent.

  2. By Theorem 4.113, 2 and norms are equivalent.

  3. By Theorem 4.58, equivalence of norms is an equivalence relation.

  4. Hence, by transitivity, 1 and norms are equivalent.

Theorem 4.115 (Heine Borel theorem)

A subset of the normed linear space (Rn,2) is compact if and only if it is a closed and bounded set.

Proof. The distance metric induced by 2 is the Euclidean distance.

This result is follows directly from Theorem 3.84.

Theorem 4.116 (Closed and bounded sets under 1 norm)

A subset of the normed linear space (Rn,1) is compact if and only if it is a closed and bounded set.

Proof. We just need to show that if a set is closed and bounded in (Rn,1), then it is compact in (Rn,1).

  1. The norms 1 and 2 are equivalent (Theorem 4.114).

  2. Hence, the metrics induced by them are (strongly) equivalent (Theorem 4.59).

  3. Thus, the open sets and closed sets in (Rn,1) and (Rn,2) are identical.

  4. Hence, the compact sets in (Rn,1) and (Rn,2) are identical (Theorem 3.90).

  5. Also the bounded sets in (Rn,1) and (Rn,2) are identical due to Theorem 4.57.

  6. Now, let A be a closed and bounded set in (Rn,1).

  7. Then, A is closed and bounded in (Rn,2).

  8. But then by Heine Borel theorem, A is compact in (Rn,2).

  9. But then, A is compact in (Rn,1) also.

Theorem 4.117 (Equivalence of norms on the Euclidean space)

Let nN. All norms on Rn are equivalent.

Proof. The 1 norm 1:RnR is given by:


We shall show that any norm :RnR is equivalent to 1:RnR. Then, since norm equivalence is an equivalence relation (Theorem 4.59), hence all norms are equivalent.

In particular, if a and b are two different norms on Rn, then a1 and b1 implies that ab due to Theorem 4.59.

Towards this end, let’s show that any norm is indeed equivalent to 1.

We first show that there exists a constant c1>0 such that

  1. Let {ei} be the standard basis for Rn.

  2. Let c=max{ei,i=1,,n}.

  3. Then, for any xRn, we have


We now show that there exists a constant c2>0 such that

  1. Define a function g:(Rn,1)R as

  2. Then, for any x,yRn,

  3. Thus, g is Lipschitz continuous on the normed linear space (Rn,1).

  4. Therefore, g is continuous.

  5. Now, let S={yRn|y1=1}.

  6. S is a closed set in (Rn,1) since it is the boundary of the unit ball.

  7. S is also bounded since y11 for every yS.

  8. Then, by Theorem 4.116 S is compact in (Rn,1).

  9. Hence, due to Theorem 3.85 g attains a minimum value at some yS over the compact set S.

  10. Let the minimum value of g over S be say m at some y0S.

  11. Note that 0S by definition since 01.

  12. Thus,

  13. Thus, for all yS, we have ym>0.

  14. Now, for any nonzero xRn, the 1 normalized vector, y=xx1S.

  15. But then


    holds for every nonzero xRn.

  16. Also, the inequality x11mx is satisfied trivially by 0.

We have shown that for c1=c>0 and c2=1m>0

vc1v1 and v1c2v

holds true for every vRn.

Thus, the two norms and 1 are indeed equivalent.

4.7.3. Distances#

Definition 4.98 (Euclidean distance)

Distance between two vectors is defined as:


This distance function is known as Euclidean metric.

This makes Rn a metric space.

4.7.4. General Euclidean Space#

We can generalize the definition of a Euclidean space to a more abstract case.

Definition 4.99 (General Euclidean space)

A finite dimensional real vector space V equipped with an inner product , is called a Euclidean space if it is endowed with the norm :VR given by


The norm induced by the inner product is known as the Euclidean norm.

There are several properties emerging from this definition.

  1. Let V be a Euclidean space.

  2. The field of scalars is R.

  3. Assume that n=dimV.

  4. The inner product is a real inner product.

  5. V is isomorphic to Rn.

  6. If we choose a basis B={e1,,en} for V, then the coordinates for each vector vV form an element of Rn.

  7. This forms a direct bijective mapping between V and Rn.

  8. x2=x,x.

  9. The Euclidean norm makes it a normed linear space.

  10. Recall from Theorem 4.65 that a finite dimensional normed linear space is complete.

  11. Thus, V is a Banach space.

  12. V is an inner product space which is complete.

  13. Hence V is also a Hilbert space.

  14. Rn provides additional features like p norms. Corresponding norms can be induced on V by a coordinate mapping.

4.7.5. Complex Coordinate Space#

In this section we review important features of n-dimensional complex coordinate space Cn defined over a field of complex numbers.

Definition 4.100 (Complex coordinate space)

Let C denote the field of complex numbers. For any positive integer n, the set of all n-tuples of complex numbers forms an n-dimensional vector space over C which is denoted as Cn or (Cn,C) and sometimes called complex coordinate space or “complex vector space*.

An element x in Cn is written as


where each xi is a complex number.

Vector space operations on Cn are defined by:


Cn comes with the standard ordered basis B={e1,e2,,en}:


We note that the basis is same as the basis for n dimensional real vector space (the Euclidean space).

An arbitrary vector xCn can be written as

x=i=1nxiei. Sesquilinear Inner Product#

Definition 4.101 (Standard inner product)

Standard inner product on Cn is defined as:


where yi denotes the complex conjugate. It is also known as the sesquilinear inner product.

This makes Cn an inner product space. This satisfies the inner product rule:

x,y=y,x. Standard Norm#

Definition 4.102 (Norm)

The length of the vector (a.k.a. 2 norm) is defined as:


This makes Cn a normed linear space. Standard Distance#

Definition 4.103 (Distance)

The standard distance between two vectors is defined as:


This makes Cn a metric space. It reduces to the standard Euclidean distance between real vectors. Norms#

In addition to standard norm, we define a family of norms indexed by p[1,] known as p norms over Cn.

Definition 4.104

p norm is defined as:


We can see that:

x=x2. 1 Norm#

From the general definition of p norms, we have


We use norms as a measure of strength of a signal or size of an error. Different norms signify different aspects of the signal. Quasi-Norms#

In some cases it is useful to extend the notion of p norms to the case where 0<p<1.

In such cases norm as defined in (4.6) doesn’t satisfy triangle inequality, hence it is not a proper norm function. We call such functions as quasi-norms. 0 “norm”#

Of specific mention is 0 “norm”. It isn’t even a quasi-norm. Note the use of quotes around the word norm to distinguish 0 “norm” from usual norms.

Definition 4.105

The 0 “norm” is defined as:


where supp(x)={i|xi0} denotes the support of x.

Note that x0 defined above doesn’t follow the definition in (4.6). Yet we can show that:


which justifies the notation.

4.7.6. Cn over R#

We next consider the real vector space of complex coordinates.

Definition 4.106 (Real vector space of complex coordinates)

For any positive integer n, the set of all n-tuples of complex numbers forms an n-dimensional vector space over R which is denoted as (Cn,R)

An element x in (Cn,R) is written as


where each xi is a complex number.

Vector space operations on (Cn,R) are defined by:


Theorem 4.118 (Standard basis and dimension)

The standard basis for (Cn,R) is given by B={e1,e2,,en,en+1,,e2n}:


The dimension of (Cn,R) is 2n.

It is easy to see that (Cn,R) is isomorphic to R2n. Bilinear Inner Product#

Definition 4.107 (Bilinear inner product)

The bilinear inner product on (Cn,R) is defined as:


This inner product satisfies all the requirements of a real inner product (Definition 4.72) as shown in Example 4.25. This makes (Cn,R) a real inner product space. Standard Norm#

Definition 4.108 (Norm on (Cn,R))

The length of the vector (a.k.a. 2 norm) is defined as:


This makes (Cn,R) a normed linear space. We note that the definition of the norm for both (Cn,R) and (Cn,C) is identical.